Celebrate our partnership! - An easy-to-use badge

If you’d like to promote your affiliation with findcourses, we encourage you to display the findcourses badge on your site, linking directly to your findcourses profile.

Why use this badge?

  • Show off your partnership with the UK's largest Professional Development search engine
  • Help people find your findcourses profile
  • Direct people to leave reviews and star-ratings on your findcourses profile which you can then display on your own site and Google search results.

   Download the badge

The image is a .png file with a transparent background so can easily and cleanly implemented into the design of your own website.

Feel free to resize as you see fit. If you'd like help with resizing, send us a quick message at info@findcourses.co.uk and we can resize the image for you.

Where can the badge go?

This badge can go anywhere on your site! It makes the perfect addition to your side column or footer menus, either by itself or with the logos of your other partners, affiliations or accreditation.
