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4.8 (13 Reviews)

Excel for Finance Professionals

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Excel for Finance Professionals

STL courses

  • Gain best practice techniques in pulling financial information into Excel, common pitfalls to avoid when using key financial functions and some useful presentation tips. The opportunity to use example financial statements such as cashflows and look at common size statements.

    You may also be interested in our VBA courses.

What to expect

  • 24 months post training support included .
  • Tailored and bespoke programme options .
  • Our experienced training and logistics team in the last 23 years have assisted 205,772 people .
  • Over 14,097 organisations trained .
  • We are rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot and 98.7% of our customers recommend us .
  • Delivery UK wide and international (75+ countries delivered) .

Suitability - Who should attend?

Excel users from finance-related roles looking to extend their knowledge of Excel in a financially driven context.

This course is a part of a wider portfolio of our Excel courses London.

Training Course Content

Setting up a Financial Worksheet

Layouts of input cells and formulas
Tracing formula precedents, dependents, and errors
Common mistakes to avoid

Conditional formatting to analyse data

Highlighting alternative row/columns of data
Highlight mistakes / errors / omissions / repetitions
Using conditional formatting to create simple and effective dashboards

Working with data

Importing data; formats, field labels,
web query options (stock info)
Use TYPE to identify data type of existing cell contents
Text functions; FIND, MID,
TRIM excess space in cells
Use lookup functions to retrieve and compare data

Cashflow spreadsheets

Income and Expenditure tracking table
Create a Pivot Table
Using the Pivot Table with filters to analyse cashflow
Using a Pivot Chart to track cashflow

Financial functions

Considerations such as:
- When to use XIRR and XNPV
- Function with cashflows
- Assumptions to avoid
- APR vs APY

Reviewing financial statements

Example balance sheets, income statements, cashflow
statements and shareholders equity
Benefits of using common size statements for comparisons
Setting up common size statements; balance sheets and income
Defining key ratios to compare and updating changes


Prices on application. Contact us for quote.

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Customer Outreach Award


We believe that it should be easy for you to find and compare training courses. 

Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.

Reviews by course attendees

Average rating 4.8

Based on 13 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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16 Sep 2020

Really excellent three days; Jens' knowledge really is unbelievable and he is incredibly patient and generous with his time; I feel like I have learnt a huge amount to help me s...

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25 Feb 2020

Most useful topic: cashflow; source data

25 Feb 2020

Most useful topic: Cash flow spreadsheet

1 Northey Street, 2nd Floor, CA House
E14 8BT London


Helping businesses improve performance with proven learning and development solutions. London-based with a global reach. STL seek to provide an unrivalled value and quality service, enabled by our strong working culture. Our 500+ courses deliver learning solutions across leadership and...

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