Corporate Training for Teams
5.0 (2 Reviews)

Change Management for Line Managers

ChangeQuest, Online (+1 locations)
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Self-Paced Online, In Company
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Self-Paced Online, In Company
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Course description

In-company Change Management for Line Managers training

This Change Management for Line Managers short course teaches you how to build a culture of change that gets your people on board with new ways of thinking and working.

Learn how to role-model behaviours that make change stick, support those who are struggling and convince your team of the benefits ahead.

We’ll work on real-life examples from your business so you’re solving genuine problems as you learn.

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  • In Company
  • United Kingdom

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online

Bespoke Courses

In-company training means we can reference your current processes, specific terminology and project management frameworks, throughout the course.

This makes it easier for people to identify how best to apply the theory and concepts in the most effective and beneficial way. It also means your teams can work with ‘live’ project examples during course activities to develop useful outputs, making the programme even more relevant and effective.

Training Course Content

The following areas are covered during this Introduction to Change Management short course:

  • Line Managers role in enabling organisational change
  • Identify the ‘gap’ between the desired outcome and current reality
  • How to gauge current levels of resistance and readiness to change amongst their team
  • Understand ‘transition’ and the strategies necessary to support people on the change journey
  • Recognising the behaviours required to role model change
  • Developing a culture that supports adapting to change
  • Identify the helping and hindering factors to achieving the desired outcome

Customer Outreach Award


We believe that it should be easy for you to find and compare training courses. 

Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.


Average rating 5

Based on 2 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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Business Change Lead, Media
25 Jul 2018
Good examples

Trainer was excellent – good illustrative examples from her change experience in day jobs. Helpful and patient, taking time to explain.

Director & Strategy Implementation, Parliament
25 Jul 2018

Great course, great delivery.


The cost of this in-company Change Management for Line Managers masterclass depends on your exact requirements and can be especially tailored for your organisation.

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Arena Business Centre, Riverside Way, Watchmoor Park, Camberley,
GU15 3YL Surrey

ChangeQuest are change management and transformation specialists, providing professional training and consultancy fine-tuned to the real-life issues facing each client.  Offering training and consultancy in change management, project management and people skills, ChangeQuest can help you and your organisation learn and grow, to...

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