Apprenticeship training for companies

Working at Heights with Harness (In-House)

PD Training Limited, Nationwide
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Course description

PD Training is excited to offer a comprehensive Working at Height IPAF course, specifically tailored to meet UK standards and regulations.

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) course is designed to provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills required to operate access equipment safely and efficiently when working at height.

Covering a range of access platforms including scissor lifts, boom lifts, and cherry pickers, the course delves into topics such as equipment selection, pre-use inspections, safe operating procedures, and emergency descent techniques. Our seasoned instructors, all of whom are IPAF certified, deliver a balanced blend of theoretical learning and practical hands-on training, ensuring that participants fully grasp the intricacies of working at height safely. Emphasising risk assessment and hazard recognition, our course aims to instil a robust safety mindset in all attendees, ultimately contributing to safer working environments.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive an IPAF PAL (Powered Access License) card, a widely recognised certification that validates their competency in operating powered access equipment, opening doors to numerous employment opportunities across various industries.

In-House Training

In-house training is a comprehensive approach where employees are trained on equipment directly within the company premises, ensuring they are familiar with the specific equipment and environment they will be working in. This training typically covers a wide range of topics, including safety procedures, equipment operation, load handling, and maintenance checks. The process usually begins with classroom instruction, where trainees learn about mechanics, safety regulations, and best practices.

Following the theoretical component, trainees move on to hands-on training under the supervision of experienced operators or trainers. During this practical phase, trainees have the opportunity to operate the forklift in a controlled setting, allowing them to apply their knowledge and develop their skills in a real-world context. Assessments are conducted throughout the training to ensure that participants have understood the material and can operate the equipment safely and efficiently.

By conducting training in-house, companies can tailor the program to their specific needs and work environment, promoting a safer and more efficient workplace.

Upcoming start dates

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  • Classroom
  • United Kingdom

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