Professional Training

Level 3 Certificate in the Principles of End of Life Care

8-12 weeks
225 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
8-12 weeks
225 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

In 2015, only half of the people who expressed their home as their preferred place to die died in their own home. In the same year, hospices were ranked the highest in terms of the quality of care provided during the difficult end of life period. Care homes were ranked a close second, followed by individuals’ homes in third, and finally hospitals in last place.

This period in a person’s life is, without a doubt, the most sensitive and difficult to deal with due to the emotional and physical strain it places on the individual and their family, as well as any carers or staff members who work with the individual.

Our End of Life Level 3 course will provide you with extensive knowledge and understanding of end of life care. You will explore common questions and themes in end of life care and the range of possible approaches to end of life care. This qualification will provide you with information on how to support a person’s familial, spiritual, social and emotional needs and will prepare you to confront issues of death and bereavement within your role.

Upcoming start dates

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Awarding Body: NCFE/CACHE

Training Course Content

Unit 1: Understanding end of life care

This unit covers the range of different attitudes and emotive issues surrounding death and dying, as well as the current approaches to end of life care and the support services available.

Unit 2: Communication during end of life care

You will look at the different communication skills required when administering end of life care, potential barriers to communication and how to overcome these in an effective, positive manner.

Unit 3: Assessment and care planning in end of life care

In this unit you will explore and expand upon what is meant by both the holistic approach and the person-centred approach to assessment and care planning.

Unit 4: Person-centred approaches to end of life care

Here you will explore the person-centred approach to end of life care by examining how to support the psychological, social, spiritual, religious, cultural and emotional needs of an individual.

Unit 5: Care during the final hours of life and bereavement care

This unit covers the sensitive approach needed when approaching death and the final hours of care. The process of grief and loss, how to support people following a bereavement and how to deal with your own feelings of grief are all considered here.

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