Professional Training

Role of a Fire Marshal

For information, please contact the institute.
14.95 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
For information, please contact the institute.
14.95 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
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Course description

This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Fire Marshal in the workplace.

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  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Training Course Content

List the reasons for fire safety legislation, Explain the principles of fire science, Describe how to conduct a risk assessment, Describe the different methods of evacuation, Identify fire safety equipment in the workplace, Describe how fire safety issues should be managed in the workplace

Course delivery details


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Founded in 1997

Delivering training to over 70,000 learners per year

A team of more than 80 experienced trainers across the UK

Customer Outreach Award 2019


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Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.

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