Apprenticeship training for companies

Multi Channel Marketer

CT Skills, Nationwide
19 months
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Course delivery
In Company
19 months
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Course delivery
In Company
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Course description

As a multi-channel marketer, you define, design, build and implement digital marketing campaigns across various online and social media platforms.

Upcoming start dates

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  • In Company
  • United Kingdom
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

Entry Requirements:

  • Initial Assessment Minimum – Maths Level 1,  English Level 2, Knowledge Skills and Behaviours Initial Assessment
  • Exams to Complete Course: All KSB for Multi Channel Marketer Standards, Level 2 Functional Skills English, Level 2 Functional Skills Maths, Pass All Elements of EPA

Course delivery details

Learn By Doing

Learn By Doing The work experience you will receive while completing a multi channel marketing apprenticeship will encourage active engagement with materials, ingraining the knowledge you learn into your memory to utilise for future opportunities.

Enhance Your CV

Whether you aim to upskill or change your career, our multi channel marketing apprenticeship will offer an exciting hands-on experience to add to your CV. The new skills you learn and the knowledge you gain will be valuable insights to future employers of what you can do!

Build Professional Bonds

Many apprentices that go into multi channel marketing manage to secure a job upon apprenticeship completion, allowing them to build and progress in their careers. With multi channel marketing being an increasingly sought-after skill, the possibilities are endless!

Why choose CT Skills

The average completion rate throughout other training providers sat at 51%. However, we achieved over 10% higher sitting at 61.8%!

94% of our learners would recommend CT Skills.

We are graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted and were also graded 4 stars out of 4 (Excellent) by our employer partners on the government’s Find Apprenticeship Training website in 2022!

CT Skills
The Quadrant, Nuart Road, Beeston
NG9 2NH Nottingham

CT Skills

Here at CT Skills, we work with the Department for Education to provide nationally recognised qualifications that meet the needs of you, your company, and your industry. We are graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted and are an official apprenticeship provider for...

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